The concept of inner child work has grown in popularity over the past few decades. This type of therapy focuses on bringing awareness to and healing from childhood trauma, pain, and wounds. It encourages individuals to become reacquainted with their younger selves, which can lead to a better understanding of themselves as adults. Let's explore what inner child work is and how it can help you heal. What is inner child work? Inner child work involves exploring our childhoods in order to gain insight into our current emotional states. It encourages us to be mindful of our younger selves by recognizing…
What is Inner Child Work?
What Makes Jim Squire and Associates Psychotherapy Stand Out
Thanks for stopping by my blog. If you’re looking for more information about Jim Squire and Associates Psychotherapy , you’ve come to the right place.
Making New Year's Goals? This Will Help you Succeed!
There is a lot being written about how to succeed with goals at this time of year so much so that it almost seems like the topic is exhausted. However I am writing about an area that I believe can help you succeed and it isn't talked about as much. I'm referring to the attitude that we approach ourselves while striving to achieve goals. In my years of experience the more open and forgiving we are to a set back has a lot to do with whether we will succeed with our goals. Everyone for the most part has a…
Owner Spotlight: Jim Squire
I’m Jim Squire, proud owner of Jim Squire Psychotherapy.
I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.
Announcing The New Website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!